Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Solitude's Center Peace

What a beautiful picture huh? It is of God as my center. Truly beautiful!

It is in the midst of night and I am here on my lap top with Itunes lulling me to my comfort zone. Barbara Streisand and Celine Dionne are singing Tell Him. The song is so pretty. It reminds me of a beautiful summer’s day. I feel the ocean tickling my toes as the sun tenderly kisses my neck.

Ah… the song changes! Amy Winehouse… Back To Black. This song brings the feisty take no crap chick out of me. Such a sassy song I absolutely LOVE Amy… drug problem and all. Not that I think it is a good thing, I just think she is unbelievably talented and pray she gets her life on track before it is too late.

And then there was Alicia… she is professing her love in her smash hit No One. Now this one is a tad sad for me. It reminds me of a wedding and ah… ya’ll know the rest.

I guess the best way to peek into a person’s personality is to check out their music library. I am all about self expression… what better way than through music.

My heart is elated right now. I mean she is smiling from “ear to ear”. Life is good now, and I am going to record every bit of it. I plan on starting a new blog soon. As each of you know (or should) I change blogs every year in April. It is representative of a continuous rebirth. With that stated, please enjoy the last few posts on Return 2 Radiance… I have indeed arrived…

Da LabRAItory… Where it all started!

My Solitude

In my solitude I reflect on life, happiness and the up’s and down’s of pursuing both. He gives me gratitude. Life could be a whole lot worse. I never claim to be perfect. I do possess faults. I live life and make mistakes just like the next man, but he I am not. I am me… what makes me such… the way I take in air, comb my hair and share… my life with and often times through others. Through life’s great falls I am grateful. Who am I not to be?

To Radiance I have returned!
The End.

1 comment:

Kryssy said...

yay! You're back! Your blog has been missed! =)