Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Livin' It Up...

Just thought I would share this pic of me and a friend this past weekend!

Boy! I love my life!

The End.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Purge... Take 1 (Then I am Through ;o))

Ah a Funny Thing

Why do we as humans want the tangible?
Things that may be a bit to far for us to reach.
Why do we entertain situations and ideals that we are totally against?
We tend to put more of our trust in people than God.

Rai Rambles…

1st Strike… The Break Up
Inner voice: Girl let it go… you deserve much better than him anyway… too many issues to deal with.

Enter… “Possibilities and Entertainment”

Pretty soon in comes the “I really want to be with you… let’s make this work conversation”. Ok… back to a relationship!

2nd Strike…. The Other Woman (Part 1)
Inner voice: Ok… she needs to move on. She couldn’t possibly be telling the truth… I am with him all the time.

3rd Strike…. The Other Woman (Part 2)
Inner voice: WTF? I know he is not entertaining this female outside on his porch in a towel… WHAT? He watched me walk away and nothing was said… no… come back let me explain…nothing.

Enter…. “More Possibilities and Extra Entertainment” Mama aint raised no Fool!

4th Strike… I know… I know… Game isn’t over yet… The alleged trip out of town (a dinner and a movie with the ex… she leaves during which to “get comfortable” coming back in a t-shirt and panties) Of course nothing happened though.
Inner voice: At this point… I am a single being (which I always was being that I am not married) Love is enough… it can get us through.

5th Strike…. Business before Pleasure… The “help out planned that almost got me hemmed up with the police… with out him having my back.
Inner voice: HELL NO! Bye! There is only so much a girl can take.


I know we had our quirks, but I was in it to win it (until a couple months ago). I had been preparing myself mentally and emotionally for the time I would say goodbye… we would say goodbye. I will forever be me and he will be him. It is too much… too different. We were too different to be of any use to each other. Sad when that happens huh?

Truly, I live a crazy and upbeat life. No one really knows me… not even him. I tend create characters pending the person I am with… I will admit each character is a piece of me… but no one sees the completion of Rai.

I will say this… I cared for and was physically faithful to him… I don’t even care too much about men like that. He did have a piece of me… a small piece but a piece nonetheless.

I have decided to do something completely different for a while… I will keep a few males in my life but I am deciding to take a break from men all together. What this means? I really don’t know, but what I will say is I am no good for anyone right now.

I am completing my degree and moving in a great direction career wise. I will continue to take care of my son and achieve euphoria on my own.


What a ramble.

The End.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Bag Exchange...

No Worries!

Hey Ladies and Gents… I am indeed back and life is GREAT! Spent a hectic (early part of the) month… but God does bless those who are patient and have faith. I just dropped off a HUGE piece of luggage that I had tried too long to part with.

It IS GONE!!!!!!!!! Whew… ok, I know it seems that I am a tad bit elated, but I will admit it was a bittersweet occurrence. Life is full of decisions… some are harder that others… nevertheless no one should settle for less than they (individually deserve). So, I said goodbye to a HUGE trunk (of baggage) and hello to three small duffle bags (of possibilities). Hehehe… life is beginning to look up!

I am doing well in my career and making plans to better that situation… my friends are more lovely than ever… my son is my buddy… family is great… about to start school (tuition already paid in full for the year)… all bills are completely paid (for the next six months at least)…. I am truly starting to focus on getting where I need to be in life… BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

On a side note…

Ladies… Stop waiting for your Prince! Get off of your behind and get it! Nothing in life is promised to us. Handle your business to make sure you are good… get your own… don’t solely rely on anyone to help you… nonetheless, take all you can get to add to what you’ve got.

Don’t get carried away Ladies… know when to say when… don’t sell your soul… you have to keep something for you.

I will post more on this topic later, but feel free to correspond to me at .

The show is over… I was getting tired of playing my role anyway! Time to be me… with out all this commitment stuff.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed "Dat Boi...". (winks) I have to give you your props… you wouldn’t budge… and the past few months were some of my better work! That is why you will forever be my Honorary Boy... fo Lyfe!


Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I am having such a blast playing around with my digital camera!

Supermodel Radiance!

The End.


Rai's Ways...

Gotta love the pic of me from Friday… I am getting pretty good at this photo stuff. The short story behind the pic is… the girls and me were at Happy Hour, when I noticed a guy with sunglasses, a diamond ring and Jesus chain on. I thought it was hilarious (at 10pm) so I asked if I could take a pic in his getup.

So it has indeed been awhile since I wrote… My life has definitely been full of surprises. I wish I could tell even half of it… but I have so many eyes watching over me and this blog and I would never want to “throw anyone under the bus” so to speak by airing my business… which in a form is theirs as well. I will talk about general subjects though…

Shout out to Leggs… Your new tat is AWESOME… glad I could be an inspiration!

Ah The Ways of Rai…

The month of June was quite insightful to say the least. It started out rather rocky to say the least…

Around week two of June CK my BD (Baby’s Daddy) decided he wanted to question my parenting skills. Let it be known that I do everything in my power to take care of my baby. He eats three meals a day (plus snacks), he has clothes on his back (brand new) and he spends quality time with me daily (which also happens to be a facility were he gets to play with children from diverse backgrounds). This questioning came shortly after his engagement. So… to speed up the story… It became a situation were I was in the backseat of his car (he was taking me to my car to get Sun’s things so he could go with him for the weekend). He began to talk to me in a manner that I didn’t agree with… I got furious… all I saw was red… I then open the door and walk out…

Yes ladies and gentlemen… the car was in motion… he had to be going at least 30 miles an hour. As I placed my left for on the ground my knees immediately buckled and I was pulled to the ground. For those of you who know me… imagine me sitting in the back seat with two bags on each shoulder, reaching for the door… saying… “YOU DON’T KNOW MMEEEEE…” as I fall from the vehicle. The back tire of his car barely grazed the side of me head…

I have definitely stopped letting others control my temper. I have learned from my mistakes…

The end of June… aha what can I say… I ended up with two extreme pursuers who are stereotypical of everything I want in a partner and one non-pursuer who could care less… I just can’t let him go…

Imagine being offered the world twice in a nutshell… but chosing to wait for it with your best friend. Not to mention… being involve with someone just like you (when it comes to relationships). I will not go into details about it… let’s just say…

I am a magnet!

The End.
