Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ladies Night!!!!!!!!

How excited am I about having the opportunity to hang with my best Gal Pal's last night/this morning? Well... excited indeed. We partied clear into the early morning hours (didn't head to bed until 7am). I hadn't hung out like such in a very long time. It was amazing.

We started the night out at a Sushi Bar. Ahhhh... so much fun, not to mention the DJ spinning a plethora of hot songs. Girls just being girls! We ate, drank, an danced the night away! So much fun!

Just when we thought for sure the night couldn't be any more pleasurable, we headed to a club downtown. Talking about dancing the night away... that is exactly what happen. We were greeted by two more of our crew members... that put us six deep... talking about T R O U B L E! That is indeed what we were capable of producing. I left my camera in the car while we clubbed... I wish I could have captured the scene for each to see. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do so. I started a mini Striptease Aerobics class in the center of the dance floor! Guys were bringing their girlfriends over to "learn to shake it right". AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH we had fun!

After the partying ceased, we headed straight to my best gal Bossy's house. Off came the clothes and on came the swim suits. Mind you.... by this time it is 4:30am and we are still hanging out! Early morning cocktails by the pool. F U N! We clowned and clowned until it was time to head in for the night. Even when we did head in for the night it wasn't quite over.

We spent another couple of hours hanging out in Bossy's bed talking about EVERYTHING! We sniggled and giggled as much as we ever have and it was indeed fun. I mean... laughing into we busted guts. We were like little school girls.

We truly embraced and had an excellent night/morning with each other. We look forward to doing it again tonight. I thought it would only be fitting that I include each of you on this journey I call Rai's life!

The moral of the story is... ENJOY your friends, family and loved ones. You only get a few good sets in your lifetime. Cherish each and every moment you share with those you love. Laugh and enjoy what all God has blessed your life with.

The End.


Thursday, September 6, 2007


I thought I would bless each of you with a pic of me... prior to my "Cinderella Ball" a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy!

As I enter September I have no choice but to be ELATED! Some would say (from the outside looking in) that my life has been a tad dramatic. I would say... hum.... I have learned more about life, love, and laughter (thanks L Bizzle) in the last month than I have ever in my entire lifetime.

It is so important for us to always treasure the important things in our lives when we have them. It is also extremely important to be happy T O D A Y! No matter what others may think. We hold the key to our own happiness. Things will never be perfect but happiness should always be the common denominator.

When people show you who they are B E L I E V E them.

Never hold grudges or hate in your heart for anyone. We are all trying to figure out this thing called life. We all have our own perception of reality and truth. When the two don't line up... V A C A T E immediately! We are all destined to find it all.

Ah the Paparazzi.... the life of a S U P A S T A R... some may not understand... but everyone is entitled to the life that they so chose. When you have given something your absolute all (only you and God will ever truly know) and you still lack the fruits of your labor... MOVE AROUND.

When you sow fertile seeds you bear good fruit. When you sow infertile seeds... we know the rest. I was sent the best quote today... check it out...

When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.

"The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you"

I definitely fully believe in and receive that message with my full heart. I have indeed lived a crazy life... done some crazy things... believed a bunch of lies... and God knows I have been 1 too many fools.

Game over.

The End.

Hello Destiny! Oh how I have longed for your tender touch.

The moral of this story is... live... love... and laugh. Never let anyone tell you what Y O U deserve or define you. God is the only one who has the authority to judge you... heck... he is the only one that knows your true heart... He created you.

Let's take a moment and stop attempting to understand others... let's work on ourselves... and not worry about how others perceive in which we do so!

Good Night.

The End.

Foreal this time.
