Friday, November 2, 2007

Yes... Your "Fine"ness!

So... the Divine Ms. Radiance herself has fully committed to getting fine... I mean, I am working with a lil bit as we speak, I just need to critique what I have.

So... can you all keep a secret?

I hope so.

I will be entering a Ms. Fit competition in the summer (early July) and I am in the process of getting my body ready for the whole ordeal. I really only need to lose 15lbs and 8% body fat (for me). As far as the competition is concerned, I need to shed 20lbs and between 10 and 12 percent body fat. That would put me in perfect fitness model condition.

I am giving myself 9 months because I want to slowly get my body use to the vigorous working out and healthy eating habits. I also don't want to put so much pressure on myself to do everything so quickly. I will definitely keep you all posted on my progress.

I officially started my regime on October the 8th, so currently, I am getting my body acclimated to working out... which is working out pretty good. I am in the gym 6 times a week and I already feel different. I am more energized and feel better in my clothes (everything is firming up). I am finishing up week 4 and all is well!

I will keep you posted.

The End.


1 comment:

Summer G said...

Good luck with your training! let me know how it goes girl. I know you'll excel at it... you've always been WHAT THAT IS in the will power department.
