Monday, July 16, 2007

Bag Exchange...

No Worries!

Hey Ladies and Gents… I am indeed back and life is GREAT! Spent a hectic (early part of the) month… but God does bless those who are patient and have faith. I just dropped off a HUGE piece of luggage that I had tried too long to part with.

It IS GONE!!!!!!!!! Whew… ok, I know it seems that I am a tad bit elated, but I will admit it was a bittersweet occurrence. Life is full of decisions… some are harder that others… nevertheless no one should settle for less than they (individually deserve). So, I said goodbye to a HUGE trunk (of baggage) and hello to three small duffle bags (of possibilities). Hehehe… life is beginning to look up!

I am doing well in my career and making plans to better that situation… my friends are more lovely than ever… my son is my buddy… family is great… about to start school (tuition already paid in full for the year)… all bills are completely paid (for the next six months at least)…. I am truly starting to focus on getting where I need to be in life… BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

On a side note…

Ladies… Stop waiting for your Prince! Get off of your behind and get it! Nothing in life is promised to us. Handle your business to make sure you are good… get your own… don’t solely rely on anyone to help you… nonetheless, take all you can get to add to what you’ve got.

Don’t get carried away Ladies… know when to say when… don’t sell your soul… you have to keep something for you.

I will post more on this topic later, but feel free to correspond to me at .

The show is over… I was getting tired of playing my role anyway! Time to be me… with out all this commitment stuff.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed "Dat Boi...". (winks) I have to give you your props… you wouldn’t budge… and the past few months were some of my better work! That is why you will forever be my Honorary Boy... fo Lyfe!


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