Thursday, May 3, 2007

Message in a Massage

Ah... yesterday I retreated! I left this world as I knew it at 7:45pm last night... only to return around 8:50pm. Yes... ladies and gents! I Radiance... got a massage. It was totally a spare of the moment sort of thing but... ah it was so relaxing!

I am so consumed with the hustle and bustle of the things around me, I rarely make the time for me. All of that changed on yesterday! I sat back... relaxed... and enjoyed the message of a lifetime ;o)! It was very relaxing and came at the perfect time, considering the roughness of my week.

The Message of My Massage...

Get back to you Rai! Stop stressing about life and love and keep it moving! It's far past time I stir up my life!

I challenge all of you... take time for yourself. Sit back, relax, and do something for you!

The End.

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