Monday, August 20, 2007


Even the roughest of times can be the best. August is coming to an end and I am ssssssssssooooooooo excited about all of the possibilities. My life... my life... my life...

Sometimes we spend an eternity knocking on life's door. We spend time knocking and knocking and knocking... sometimes all we have to do is open the door. B I N G O! It's there...

I made a lot of tough decisions this month... some of which certain may challenge... but you know what? I make decisions for me! I have spent far too much time worried about the feelings of others. It is time that I ensure my happiness.

I proceed...

Still working towards Sun's pre-school education... He has spent the last 41/2 years with me during the day. It is time for him to explore his own space... Pre Kindergarten... here Sun comes!

Oooohhh....... I am fine.

So, in my efforts to de-stress myself, I have began to work out... ah what a great feeling. I am so excited about life and A L L her beautiful possibilities.

Let's see...

Went dancing Saturday night... I mean for real dancing... swinging... salsa... mamba... E V E R Y T H I N G! It was so fun to leave my inhibitions at the door and have a great time. It had been awhile since I spent a night as Cinderella...

I guess what I am enjoying most about life nowadays is that I am free to be me. I don't have to answer my phone if I don't want to... not to mention my door! I read more... yoga... spend time with friends... working on this whole school thing... and getting ready for my disappearing act yet to come. Sometimes you must go where your services are needed. Why stand in the line for water, when you would much better prefer a natural fruit smoothie...

They are both nutritious... in different ways.

Went on a nice walk... enjoyed all of life's simplicities... why do we make this so hard?

I am getting nearer and nearer to my Good Place!

Note to Women:

Appreciate yourself ladies! No one will do if for you! Don't be afraid to go out on a limb and stand for what you believe in. God ALWAYS works it out in the end. Sometimes it may not make much sense, but know that He has a plan for your life that often times is so much bigger than what you may think. Believe what you see... each and every one of you deserve the best... and He has planned it all out for you.

Peace and Blessings to each of you.

The End.


1 comment:

Summer G said...

your posts are so motivating. i MUST get back into the habit... TONIGHT!

and i'm still a little peeved that you didnt find time for ya girl during your last trip.


hugs anyway~